
Michael in Brasil from 29.1 to 28.2.1988

Friday 29.1.1988

We start for a 4 weeks honeymoon in Brasil.

Outward flight : Zurich (ZRH) - Madrid (MAD) with Iberia (IB583), in DC-9.
Departure 16:50
Arrival 18:55
I was on seat 18F. Short and quiet flight.

Madrid (MAD) - Rio de Janeiro (GIG) with Iberia (IB995), in DC-10.
Departure 00:05

Arrival on saturday 30.1.1988 at 07:05
I was on seat 31J. Good flight.

Transfert to our hotel, the Excelsior Copacabana. We will stay 3 nights.

From saturday to tuesday, we will see:
Wednesday 3.2.1988

Bus : Rio de Janeiro - Coronel Fabriciano with Auto Viação 1001 .
Departure 11:00
I was on seat 5.
We have 600 km road before us. mais à cause d'innondations et de glissements de terrain à Petròpolis,
il nous faut faire un grand détour.
We are arriving at about 21:00 in Coronel Fabriciano.
We take a taxi for Acesita. Maria's grand-parents live here.

Friday 5.2.1988

Bus : Coronel Fabriciano - Rio de Janeiro with Auto Viação 1001 .
Departure 21:00
Arrival Sunday 6.2.1988
I was on seat 1.
Out hotel is the Excelsior Copacabana.
We stay 2 nights. Enough time to take our tickets and reservations for the next 2 weeks.
With the Brasil-Pass, we pay only 330$, for all our flights in Brasil.
We got some discounts on the Tropical Hotels (Varig has some parts of the actions).

Sunday 7.2.1988

Flight : Rio de Janeiro (GIG) - Manaus (MAO) with Varig (RG204).
Departure 09:15
I was on seat 15A.
Our hotel is the Tropical Manaus .

From sunday to wednesday, we will see:
Thursday 11.2.1988

Flight : Manaus (MAO) - Fortaleza (FOR) with Varig (SC301).
Departure 03:00
I was on seat 25L.
Our hotel is the Praia Centro.

In Fortaleza, we make a guided city-tour with some hours on the beach of Praia Combuco.

Saturday 13.2.1988

Normaly, we must flight today to Salvador de Bahia.
No luck, it's carnaval time and the employees of Varig stopped to work.
Back to our hotel. while we are here, we explore all the city.

Monday 15.2.1988

We can flight to Salvador de Bahia.
Flight : Fortaleza (FOR) - Salvador de Bahia (SSA) with Varig (SC301).
Departure 15:35
Our hotel is the Tropical da Bahia .

Tuesday 16.2.1988

A cause de la grève, nous sommes déjà obligés de repartir.
Evidemment, nous n'avons vu que le minimum de la ville et un peu de carnaval.
Vu la désorganisation qui règne encore, notre vol est en retard.

Flight : Salvador de Bahia (SSA) - Rio de Janeiro (GIG) with Varig (RG361).
Departure 15:30
Nous partons plusieurs heures plus tard. Le but de notre vol était Foz do Iguassu via Sao Paolo.
In Rio de Janeiro, no connecting flights to Iguassu.

Nous prenons contact avec l'agence Varig de Rio.
Ils nous conseillent de prendre un taxi et de venir à l'agence.
Eux nous organisent, pendant ce temps, une chambre à l'hôtel Rio Othon Palace aux frais de Varig.
Notre personne de contact vient avec nous jusqu'à l'hôtel.

Wednesday 17.2.1988

Notre personne de contact vient nous chercher à l'hôtel, pour nous amener à l'aéroport.
Elle nous rembourse les jours perdus à cause de la grè et les frais de taxi.
Nos billets ont eux étés décalés d'un jour.
Merci pour ce super service à la clientèle.

Flight : Rio de Janeiro (GIG) - Foz do Iguassu (IGU) via Sao Paolo (GRU) with Varig (RG345).
Departure 07:00
Our hotel is the Tropical das Cataratas .

In Foz do Iguassu we will visit:
Friday 19.2.1988

Flight : Foz do Iguassu (IGU) - Belo Horizonte confins (CNF) via Rio de Janeiro (GIG) (GIG) with Varig (RG165 + SC456).
Departure 06:00

From here, we change the airport by bus.
Flight : Belo Horizonte pampulha (BHZ) - Ipatinga (IPN) with Nordeste (JH006).
Departure 11:30
We go back to Maria's grand parents.

Tuesday 25.2.1988

We go back to Belo Horizonte by bus. An uncle of Maria live there.
he live in Ribeirão das Neves. It's in the nord-west of Belo Horizonte.
We stay here until the 27.2.1988

Saturday 27.2.1988

Flight : Belo Horizonte confins (CNF) - Rio de Janeiro (GIG) with Varig (RG459).
Departure 15:45

Flight : Rio de Janeiro (GIG) - Madrid (MAD) with Iberia (IB990), in DC-10.
Departure 22:45

Arrival sunday 28.2.1988 at 12:05
I was on seat 23J. Quiet flight.

Sunday 28.2.1988

Flight : Madrid (MAD) - Zürich (ZRH) with Iberia (IB582), in DC-9.
Departure 13:35
Arrival 15:55
I was on seat 20F. Short and quiet flight.

A view on the beach of Copacabana from our hotelroom

Our hotel in Rio de Janeiro

The beach of Praia Combuco in the north of Fortaleza

The fountain of the continents in Manaus

The slams of Manaus

The encounters of the Rio Negro and Rio Solimoes. From here it's the Rio Amazonas

A crocodile on a Victoria Reis leaf

A floating restaurant near Manaus

Maria with Indios childs near Manaus

The waterfalls of Iguassu

A great view on the waterfalls of Iguassu

Maria with her grand-father and a cousine


Copyright © 1999-2003 Michael Straub - Last update 3rd August 2000
Infos and comments to michael.straub@loterie.ch